We will save democracy in the same way that the Renaissance pulled Europe out of the Middle Ages.
The Prosecution of the former U.S. President Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are necessary and helpful parts of the plan, but a long-term solution to save democracy and solve world problems must come from a paradigm-shift in how we view these problems. Scroll down to learn how the long-term solution can be implemented in a flash.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”
— Albert Einstein
Is there a hidden underlying reason why we have not solved our problems and civilization seems stuck?
Most of us are told that human nature is cruel, if not evil. The whole of humanity has been telling their children for untold generations that people are bad and the world is cold.
Einstein says otherwise.
Eastwood on human stuckness
There is a crab trap used in Europe which is a simple wire enclosure wide open on the top that permits the crabs that climb in for the bait to leave, yet it is full of crabs when fishermen pull it up. How is this possible? The answer is given below.
All answers are given at the end of this post.
Anything less will not suffice
A paradigm-shift equal to the renaissance that pulled Europe out of the Middle Ages is necessary. But this is only possible if thinking changes.
A change in thinking and how we look at our problems is the kind of history changing action we need right now to save democracy and pull the world up and out of its current problems. Anything less will not suffice.
The many aspects of this plan to save democracy and solve world problems
- Provide a Trump book that explains the underlying problem.
- Provide a new precedent for international laws.
- Give everyone a direct Internal Science line of impact on world events.
- Several unifying principles.
- A book and guide that will protect you from authoritarian generated catastrophes (same as #1)
- Practical steps you can take to ensure Democrats win elections.
- International articles on Vladimir Putin, and former U.S. President Donald Trump’s corruption to reveal the solution.
- Articles on how to achieve world peace.
- 100+ free articles on the underlying elements threatening democracy and world peace and how to empower the individual.
- International Philosophy book that provides a path to solve world problems.
- “The Solution…” (book) to world problems with models for new institutions.
A systemic problem requires a systemic approach.
“International Philosophy“ explains how geographical regions can be changed first. The success of systematic, systemic change by individual and region will then be replicated on an international level.
On cults and division
Those who have strayed from science have done so because they want and/or need a more advanced science that can explain reality more accurately and completely. Since they can’t get that from science, they are rejecting science. Yet they actually can get the answers they seek from Internal Science.
International Philosophy is derived from the work of David Bohm

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer.
Bohm gives us a different picture of reality.
Division and world problems are a result of not understanding how each person’s beliefs filter perception. But that is not all.
According to Albert Einstein’s colleague David Bohm, the mind projects the events we then perceive.
Had Albert Einstein been successful defending Bohm in 1949, this scientific paradigm may have replaced physicalism as our world’s accepted science.
Documentation Princeton University.
William Eastwood applied Bohm’s science to test its ability to solve world problems and help people achieve their goals before Bohm even introduced “Wholeness and the Implicate Order” in 1980, principles used by President Zelenskyy of Ukraine.
The power of a single person
Do not underestimate the power of a single person to change the world for the better and to fight injustice.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has demonstrated that a single person can stand against violence and prevail over Russian aggression.
That person could be anyone.
“The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.” ― Albert Einstein
EASTWOOD: Founder of EN and author of C = Ef = M

As far as we know, neither Albert Einstein nor physicist David Bohm worked for a professor from one of the world’s top ten universities at age 13, but Eastwood did.
See 1979 press interview.
The president of the United States says that Vladimir Putin may trigger a nuclear “Armageddon.” A potentially catastrophic climate emergency threatens our very survival, democracies across the globe are under attack, the UN warns us of a coming world food shortage and the World Bank says a world recession looms.

45 years later, in Durango Colorado, he has what he has been working toward his entire life.
International human rights under law
The United States Constitution is the best in the world. It was the first to set a new precedent by determining in law that all people in one nation are equal. The Altruism Code expands that concept to include all nations and codifies that principle.
There is a path for humanity going forward.

World peace is important, but so is your security.
The Altruism Code provides a pathway for you.
A constitution to guide the individual, regions and nations.
NEW! Published in October 2022.
45 William Eastwood’s 45-years of research brings the world a unique human rights document
Our civilization is entering into a new period of history. Those who do not learn will become “victims” of great earth changes and a reorganization. There will be a new constitution and new laws for those who follow the higher path. They will not be affected by the calamities, chaos and catastrophes others will meet in dire circumstances.
The Altruism Code can be used to transform individuals, groups, regions and ultimately the entire civilization.
A constitution for a new world

The Altruism Code provides the way and the means
THE ALTRUISM CODE is a reset button for civilization. Lets put an end to cruelty in the world and begin creating something better.
Seeming evils from the war in Ukraine to evictions, incarcerations and lawsuits are symptoms of a flawed model rather than flawed people.
Available in eBook and paperback.

“Because people from all over the world liked the principles I was teaching, I coined it ‘International Philosophy.'”
45 45-years of research brings you a simple, practical life philosophy that works!
The president of the United States says that Vladimir Putin may trigger a nuclear “Armageddon.” A potentially catastrophic climate emergency threatens our very survival, democracies across the globe are under attack, the UN warns us of a coming world food shortage and the World Bank says a world recession looms.
It’s International Philosophy!
The Good Philosophy of Life for Everyone Everywhere!
Anyone in any country can understand it!
International Philosophy is the brainchild of William Eastwood, who, as you may well know, worked on a secret invention at a research and development facility owned by a Yale University professor when he was only 13 years old.
A worldwide shift that will save democracy globally
If it seems that I am suggesting a long and complicated drawn-out method of changing reality, this is not so. I mentioned The Renaissance. When society recognizes a far superior and more effective thematic material that offers solutions to their own personal problems, this can spread like a wave of positive energy across the surface of the earth. Nothing travels faster than thought because thoughts travel on an inner level. The more people that change their thinking, the easier it is for those who remain to change their thinking.
We are building up to a worldwide shift in thinking. There is a period of inner work done on the individual level before a significant global event occurs. When the proper understanding produces a certain readiness, a trigger such as a fortunate shift in politics, the end of a war or disaster, a book that has an impact on millions of people, or some other type of unifying development, then suddenly produces a global paradigm-shift.
At the same time, the positive energy of even one or two people who impact society with their ideas, can raise the energy of humanity and bring solutions into the collective subconscious in a way that never happened before.
The problem with External Science is it doesn’t recognize the work done on the inner personal and collective level that precedes a major external change in the world.
We can begin immediately to stop the violence in the world and save democracy if we understood, accepted and applied the new science paradigm of Internal Science.
In the plan I have we can experience a shift that is greater than what we experienced in the Renaissance in Europe, beginning in the fourteenth century.
Each individual plays a role
In America we saved democracy through votes. Each individual person counts. In the same way, the principles of international philosophy which are based on internal science, rely on each individual’s contribution to bring about global change.
It is difficult for my readers to understand the power of the single thought only because of External Science. External Science has led to a philosophy that disempowers the individual and the collective.
Being an author, I understand the power of a best-selling book. If we can get these ideas in the mainstream media, we can begin to make a shift that is similar to red states in America turning blue.
We don’t save democracy and solve world problems by building prisons and using weapons of mass destruction, or even assassinating people that seem to be the problem. We solve world problems in the manner I just explained. We use our freedoms protected in our democracy to change our thinking, and our changed thinking then gives us more power in the world to change global events.
How will new beliefs and laws provide us with solutions?
When we elect a new president in America it is because there is a wave of excitement in new thinking. It is not because of bombs, missiles, sanctions, or any other external force. There is only someone, and is often only one person, who has new and superior ideas. And this person is able to utilize the airwaves and media to spread his ideas to the mainstream. If people like these ideas, then they elect this person as a leader. This leader then acts as a leader and people follow his thinking. People follow this person’s beliefs and ideas and change their own beliefs and ideas as this person has done himself. When this happens, new behavior changes events on an external level. This we are aware of. What we are not aware of is that changed thinking powerfully changes events on an inner level where events are constructed. When this happens, world events can shift in the flicker of an eyelid.
We see instantaneous shifts all the time but are not trained to recognize them. One minute a certain politician is demanding everyone’s attention, and then something unexpected happens, and in the next moment the world shifts its thinking to some other subject entirely. It could be a revolution, a natural event, or any number of things, all of which are also created on inner levels of reality. When one person in the world changes their thinking and then reaches millions, the entire world’s attention can shift. If this is done correctly, we can change the actual energy of the planet.
4545 years of research brings you…
Create the life you want with a book that can solve all problems, both public and private
William Eastwood gives us a simple solution to a lot of big problems. He has been studying the application of internal science to solve personal and global problems for over 45 years. Internal science tells us that we create the external world internally. So, what needs to change?
The Altruism Code
The “Altruism Code — Your Protection” is a source code for new international laws.
The journey that brought the gift
“I spent over 45 years researching the power of beliefs, thoughts and emotions. The principles I applied were startlingly effective until I founded Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals Inc.
Einstein on the opposition to what will free us

“As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.”
― Albert Einstein
Eastwood on we are not what we think we are
The eagle that was born amid chickens was imprisoned by the other chickens in the pen for being an abnormal chicken. When the eagle soared out of the pen, the chickens ran in horror. In the end, the eagle was worshiped as a chicken god who then taught the chickens to be the eagles they really were.
The spell was broken and they were free.
So it will be for humanity in what will be a renaissance of inner knowledge that reveals our true unlimited and beautiful nature that is finally accepted in the mainstream.
Why does Albert Einstein say this?

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.
“The most important question a person can ask is, ‘Is the Universe a friendly place?'”
― Albert Einstein
ANSWER: It is because the reality we experience is a projection of our beliefs, as the physicist David Bohm discovered. What you believe becomes true.

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
― Albert Einstein
Crab trap analogy for human predicament
There is a crab trap used in Europe which is a simple wire enclosure wide open on the top that permits the crabs that climb in for the bait to leave, yet it is full of crabs when fishermen pull it up. How is this possible? The answer is given below.
ANSWER: The other crabs in the trap pull any crab that tries to escape back down into the trap.
Humans have been pulling other humans down for generations. This is done by how we define and describe human nature. We do not have to believe that people are awful, dreadful, evil or whatever. Yet we do because we see evidence of that everywhere we look, and because everyone believes it. Similar to what crabs do as given in the analogy above, everyone pulls everyone else down by believing this. What I am saying is that the core belief of our civilization is a miscalculation that is driving all of humanity’s problems and the poor behavior that is so evident everywhere. We are not really like chickens, we are actually like eagles in that we are completely better and different than what we have become in our definitions.
“Consciousness is altruistic, and that means that you are an amazing, powerful and beautiful person.
“Thinking otherwise is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and this is what is generally not well understood.”
— William Eastwood
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“You are beautiful and the universe is kind. Do not let anyone ever say otherwise. If you believe and affirm this, everything in your life will work. “The Altruism Code is the ultimate personal affirmation.
My free daily affirmations and articles also reinforce everything positive about you”
— William Eastwood
45 Socrates was made to drink poison, Galileo was almost tortured by the church…. Eastwood overcame seemingly impossible odds to make 45 years of research available to you

I created a bold and daring goal of changing the world, and when I created a company to fulfill my vision, reality shifted
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“If you do good things, good things will happen to you.”
— William Eastwood quote at age seven.
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International Philosophy Will Save Democracy: Learn How New Beliefs & Laws Will Provide Us With Solutions
Copyright © 2022, By: William Eastwood
The question we should be asking is, “Why are Americans electing Trump?” and “Why are Russians supporting Putin with a 70% approval rating?”
CATEGORIES: How will international philosophy save democracy worldwide? How will new beliefs and laws provide us with solutions?